Drupal and WordPress are Content Management Systems (CMS) that are used to create dynamic websites without the need for time-consuming manual coding. However, WordPress tends to offer great ease of use and a wide range of ready-made website templates. Drupal offers an import module for moving a WordPress blog to Drupal, but moving the other way can be more complex.

Utilities for moving.

Several independent programmers have created modules and code to help users migrate from Drupal to WordPress. You can install or run these utilities to migrate sites to Drupal without having to do any manual coding. However, you need to check the code or module information carefully. Most programmers create migration utilities only from their own sites and then put the code on the website for others to use. The utility may require customization to migrate your site.

Manual movement.

You can also manually move your Drupal site to WordPress. Don’t try this if you don’t have a little bit of experience with MySQL and coding basics though. Get the site back to your computer by setting up a local server rather than running a live site and make sure you have at least 45 minutes of continuous-time. Back up your entire Drupal site and database, then create and maintain a fresh WordPress installation. Remove all existing WordPress content, including comments, posts, and links. Create a set of categories for your site. Import posts and pages and then convert any Drupal articles to WordPress posts. Import comments and comment refresh counter, then return to the site to correct the image and text of posts. Professional travel.

The least demanding, but also the most expensive, way to move from a Drupal site to WordPress is to hire a professional. Many services now specialize in promoting CMS sites from one to another. Moving correctly converts Drupal categories to WordPress categories using the original hierarchical structure, user imports and keeps all pages and posts intact.


Before using a utility or instruction set, check your WordPress and Drupal versions to make sure they are up to date. Both CMS WordPress and Drupal add new versions regularly and make major changes to features and databases. Code or instructions designed to work with earlier versions of these content management systems can lead to migration issues on your site.