Learn About 5 Absolutely Important Things in Digital Marketing! Not all mistakes have to be made by oneself. It is still much cheaper to learn from the mistakes of others. I also assume that you are reading our blog for the specific reason you want to learn.
You want to make the right decisions, whether you’re doing digital marketing yourself or want to understand where the market is headed and can demand more from your service provider.
Today I quote a very good text, which has summed up very well what to remember in the digital environment. Jayson DeMers (Audiencebloom) has had an extensive career in digital marketing, and if Forbes and the Huffington Post repeatedly quote the man, GPLWEBS Oy’s office will also be sensitive when the man has a problem. So what would be at the top of Jayson’s to-do list if he started from scratch in the digital environment now?
1. Build your site around an open content management system
Many companies’ websites are run on content management systems for kankens and especially kankens. So this means the platform your site will be built on. A business may request a content management system that is perfect for them right now, but the requirements for websites are changing at a dizzying pace. A content management system built with big bucks may make sense for your situation now, but what will it look like in a year or two when it’s time for a change? Changes may be impossible or at least many times more expensive.
Open content management systems include Drupal and WordPress.. The advantage of these is that there are hundreds of thousands of developers constantly making sure that all the latest features are ready for implementation. Actually, it can be said that new features are coming through this website. Open content management systems are not right for every business, but for most they are definitely the most sensible and affordable option.
2. Keywords are the key to success Digital Marketing
Doing keyword research is very important in business.. When creating a website, it is important to consider what keywords your site should appear in search engines. If you’re not familiar with the keywords your industry is searching for online, you won’t know how to target your site’s content.
The wrong orientation is like putting up a retail space where customers who buy do not move. Your retail space would be empty, no matter how nice the setting. The same goes for online business! There is a lot of competition for the good places, but there is also a lot of traffic from them.
3. Search engine optimization always comes to mind
Jayson says so in his diamond post well. Everything you do can affect your search engine optimization. So always keep that in mind.
Even if you run a TV, radio, or newspaper campaign, it can have a knock-on effect on your site’s search engine optimization. Each of your campaigns can be mentioned somewhere on a website that becomes a link to your site. One of the basics of the Google algorithm is the number of external links to your site. Good search engine ranking for your site is an increasingly important part of your business. In some industries, it is already seen as the capital of a company and a clear indication of the value of the company.
4. Social media regardless of industry
yes Social media and search engine optimization are closely related. Also, your customers are on social media. If a world famous search engine optimizer says that social networks are important and are becoming more important every day, I have to listen carefully.
More and more marketers think that social media falls into the “must have” category in corporate marketing. If you are not sure how you are going to act there, it is much more profitable to ask for help than to opt out. If your company has customers, they are also social media users!
5. Google Analytics
Websites and their visitors are a valuable resource for a business. If you don’t know how to drive traffic to your website, you can’t operate in a digital environment either. The basis of it all is that you can analyze how people visit your site and how it converts into a business.
If you haven’t implemented Google Analytics yet, read here to learn how. Jaakko wrote very clear instructions on this last week.
What’s Next
There were 5 points, each of which is important for digital marketing. In fact, it can be said that each point is extremely important for your business. If you’ve gone through the 5 points and found yourself doing things with your glove, then you can pat yourself on the back and move on to the next online marketing steps.
If any of the 5 sections puncture, apply the parking brake. There was only one extremely important task on his to-do list. These are the cornerstones on which you build your online business. So make sure you know what you’re doing.