Facebook marketing is great for building your business brand. Facebook is possibly the most effective digital marketing channel and the reasons are obvious.

1. Market your brand to the right people.

The idea of ​​Facebook marketing is to always precisely target the right people. For those who are your potential customers. It is very profitable for them to do brand marketing, because then the image of their company will be built right in the eyes of the target audience.

Brand marketing on Facebook is many times more targeted than, say, TV or radio advertising. More than two million Finnish Facebook users guarantee that their target group is also on Facebook. This is how you pay for exactly what you wanted, which is to increase the visibility of your business among the right crowd.

2. You can convey your brand message however you want.

Facebook is a great marketing channel that allows you to choose how you want your message to be conveyed.

Marketing communications can be done in a number of different ways, but only Facebook doubles as many different ways to get your business message across to people.

Here are some ways to get your message across:

  • With videos
  • Context
  • With Images
  • As well as combinations of all these

This is definitely one of the best aspects of Facebook marketing. You can carefully select your target audience and communicate with them in various ways. Also, you don’t have to repeat the same marketing all the time, but with little changes to your image, video, or text, you get marketing sales volume, and yet your message is sure to be effectively communicated to people.

3. Measure what works.

Even if you have made a precise plan on how to build your company brand, digital marketing should always be developed as well. Your message remains the same, but even small differences in marketing can make a big difference in conversion.

With Facebook, you can very effectively measure how your company’s brand marketing is working and how it can be developed. A/B testing can also be used effectively in brand marketing, as long as the marketing message stays as planned.

4. Guide interested people forward.

The effectiveness of digital marketing is also based on the fact that people have an immediate opportunity to take the next step towards your business. Once your brand marketing has impressed a person, they immediately have the opportunity to learn more about your business on Facebook.

For example, you can place a link in your Facebook marketing that will direct a person to your website, or at least be able to go to your business Facebook page in an instant. Once you’ve made a positive impact on someone, chances are they’ll want to learn more about your business.

It’s much easier to go from Facebook to your business home page than a person who has seen a TV or newspaper ad.

5. Facebook marketing is affordable.

Facebook marketing is many times cheaper than, for example, television and radio advertising. From Facebook, you really get a lot of exposure for your marketing for the same money you would run an ad on TV.

In addition, Facebook marketing has the advantage that the ad waits nicely on the screen, even if people are in the refrigerator in the middle. Also, very few people have immediately switched to navigating Facebook to another website after seeing the ad and waiting for the ads to stop.

So you know exactly how many people have seen your marketing message during the campaign.


Facebook is a very powerful tool for building a company’s brand and image when used correctly. Numerous different ways to communicate with people and precise targeting are the keys to successful brand building. Hopefully companies will take this into account and deliver really good content to people through Facebook.

Building a brand is a long-term process that increases the value of a company in the future.